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UNH HR - Coaching for Performance

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Coaching – for ? , p, !, ., ?, ©, ’ Refresher Training for Employees – The Employee Input Form

Tis the season for annual performance evaluations!  In an effort to support this process, we will be hosting a Coaching for Performance refresher workshop specifically for employees!   This 90 minute workshop is geared towards employees who have attended the original Coaching for Performance training series and have used the form in the past.  The workshop will focus on topics such as:

• Refresher of the employee input form: accomplishments, disappointments, p... [more...]

Coaching for Performance - Goal Setting and Professional Development

Who should attend?

This workshop is open to anyone who has attended a Coaching for Performance Overview.

This session provides tips for creating goals and making them more effective and achievable.  Steps for crafting a personal and/or professional development plan are also discussed along with a review of resources available at UNH to help support your plan.

Please note that only staff from departments which have done a rollout of Coaching for Performance should sign up for these train... [more...]
Coaching for Performance - Effective Messaging

very short description

very short description

ok longer

and longer

and longer

Coaching for Performance - Overview for the "Coach"

Who should attend?

Supervisors and Managers who supervise the work of others.

Participants will review skills needed to support job performance dialogue throughout the year: active listening, crafting an effective feedback message, emotional intelligence, goal setting, and timing of feedback. Also presented is the Coaching approach to annual reviews.

Please note that only staff from departments which have done a rollout of Coaching for Performance should sign up for these trainings.... [more...]
Coaching for Performance - EmotionalIntelligence

Emotional Intelligence:
Who should attend?
This session is open to anyone who has attended a Coaching for Performance Overview.
This module introduces the concepts of Emotional Intelligence and how increasing Emotional Intelligence skills can benefit us personally and professionally. Strategies are shared for expanding emotional self-awareness, emotional self-management, social awareness and relationship management.
Please note that only staff from departments which have done a rollout of Co... [more...]

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